You want to collect user needs and insights
You want information that can be used for web improvement measures
You want to enhance your web marketing
You want to complete information gathering on the web without having involvement with sales staff
You want to improve the CVR of e-commerce sites and information sites
You want to increase sales without missing business opportunities
You want to improve the accuracy of recommendations from marketing automation tools
You want to deliver buried product information to users
You want to increase users' product understanding
You want to meet long tail needs
You want to convey desired information to website visitors in one go
You want to show optimized content every time your users visit
You want to guide users to their target page quickly and accurately
You want to improve the abandonment rate
You want to improve the migration rate
You want to build and improve relationships with customers
You don't know if users are able to find information
You want to know how users behave on the website
You want to reduce the number of user keyword entry errors when searching
The website is complex with a deep hierarchy, making it difficult to find the desired information
You want to be freed from operation and maintenance work
You don't know how to create a product search service on the web
You want to improve usability and CVR of e-commerce sites and information sites
You want to build your own search service on the website
You want to automatically realize UX for mobile users
You want to automatically set categories by embedding labels
You want to cut out all the trouble of looking for information
You find it difficult to set a guiding line to product information due to the specific nature of products
You want users to compare the differences in the detailed specifications of products
You find it difficult to update information due to a large number of products
Large-scale system construction is causing a bottleneck in the enhancement of the product search function
You want to be freed from operation and maintenance work
You want to create a place where you can compare and examine products
You want a new space to introduce products
You want to automatically generate a news release list page