Easy-to-understand comparison function

Comparison list display

You can select multiple products from the products hit in the search and display a comparison list that displays product information side by side. This helps you to clearly see differences in specifications between products and makes it easier to review the product that best suits your purpose.

Choose products to be compared
Compare products in the list

Change display order

In the product comparison table, you can edit the comparing items to fit your needs. You can also change the displayed product order or delete any of them inside. What’s more, you may also change or delete the comparison conditions, in order to make a better fit comparison table to meet your needs.

You can change or delete the display order of products and comparison conditions

Export comparison table and utilize it

The exported comparison table can be saved as a PDF or CSV file. The comparison table could be a huge help when you use it in your proposals, leading to smoother product decision-making.

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