MARS Platform

Examples of utilization

Comprehensive electronic manufacturer
  • Background/Problems

    When adding category information to product pages, it is not possible to add information from a wide perspective because the staff in charge of each medium do this independently

  • Purpose

    To achieve comprehensive and centralized coordination of marketing measures by sharing information among staff responsible for different media

How to utilize MARS Platform
Consulting company
  • Background/Problems

    If industry analysis reports for clients are submitted once a quarter, it is not possible to keep up with the changing times

  • Purpose

    Automatically summarize articles from industry magazines on a monthly basis

How to utilize MARS Platform
Leading system integrator (SIer)
  • Background/Problems

    There is room for improvement in the search function and UI of the cloud storage service sold by a distributor

  • Purpose

    Differentiation from other distributors by expanding the search function by introducing a full-text search function

How to utilize MARS Platform